Reality Blog post
"Theme + Thesis"
Reality is the sum of presences that affect the one who witness it
"First Argument" : Cause Argumentation type
Reality is the sum of presences that affect those who witness it because their memory, will & reason will be affected by that reality
"Second Argument" : Typology Argumentation type
Reality is the sum of presences that affect those who witness it in such a way that they could act surprised, angry, embarrased, confused, disoriented
"Third Argument" : Analogy Argumentation type
Reality is the sum of presences that affect those who witness it, like how if you get into a pool you get wet
Reality is the sum of presences that affect those who witness it because their memory, will & reason will be affected by that reality in such a way that they could act surprised, angry, embarrased, confused, disoriented, like how if you get into a pool you get wet
"References (APA)"
Roldán, Blas. (2023). History of Culture Class Notes. Zapopan: UP Campus GDL.
Rivera, Roberto. (2023). History of Culture Class Notes. Zapopan: UP Campus GDL.
Brain World Magazine. (2018). CityEye. Retrieved from:
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